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Assignment 11.3

Assignment 11.3

Q Use the information from the reading on the Azande to identify and explain two functions of a belief in witchcraft for Azande society (use information on the section “Why People Develop Belief Systems”) in the text.

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Azande culture provides witchcraft in its social setting where the chiefdom is formally structured in a clear cut hierarchy from the chiefs at the top through their deputies, armies, ending and local governors with individual householders. They tend to build this structure by eliminating the opportunities for unequal competition that can be explained as the chiefly lineages that did not compete with those lesser nor did the rich with the poor or even the parent with their children. The witchcraft beliefs function effectively as a way of managing the anxiety resulting from random misfortune. The other function involved witchcraft as social control and leveling mechanism where the witchcraft was observed to serve as an effective agent of social control. There was a lengthy process involved in making accusation acts of forestall hasty and emotional confrontations.